Friday, 24 January 2014

Why can't we be nice to each other ?

You know' Over the last few years, I have realised that no matter how hard you try to please some people' The more they make you feel unwanted and neglected, I mean, When a family for example, Decides that you are the black sheep of the family just because of a silly argument or something that was said or perhaps someone has accused you of something that you have not done and they know it is a lie, Then is it worth worrying about them, After all, It is them that have the problem, Not You !  Perhaps it may be better to forget about them all together' But it is hard to do when they are family and you love them ! 

They have you by the balls so to speak !
So' What is the solution ? , I don't think I will ever find out the answer to that question!

Perhaps the answer is in the stars'                    But I can't see it!

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   (Music Blog)

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