Here I am having yet another moan !
This time it is about the house that my daughter lives in with her husband and three children , The house is 34 Lincoln close , Erith, The Orbit housing association have let this house fall into such bad repair that it is subsiding ! Many complaints have been made about this house but the Orbit guys keep fobbing my Daughter and her husband off saying it is ok to live in ! Well ,
We took some pictures today of the bottom of the house from different angles, The pictures show that there is a lot of void space that seams to be under the house, There is only about 7 or so inches of concrete under the house and a big gap all along the front wall and also the side of the house, We were told that the house was condemned in 2004 but was underpinned to correct the problem, That was before my Daughter and her family moved in ! The thing is, If you underpin a house, Surly there must be more than about 7 inches of cement to correct it, I would have thought that 15 feet of concrete would be more like it! No way was this house underpinned properly or there would not be gaps that you can put your hand in under the house ! See pics Bellow
This is bad, The house should be still condemned ,
Orbit did send some men out to do work on pointing and kitchen work tops and to fill in the gap at the back of the house, But the pointing is not good enough as it is shifting with the bricks as they move and the kitchen work tops are flapping up and down as the kitchen needs replacing but Orbit are to tight to supply a new one! I am appalled at the state of this house and the privtely owned house next door which is also subsiding and the house next to that are all in disgusting condition and should be demolished as far as I am concerned, I am going to give Orbit one chance to move my daughter and her family to a decent property , If they Don't Then I will take it further mark my word !
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This time it is about the house that my daughter lives in with her husband and three children , The house is 34 Lincoln close , Erith, The Orbit housing association have let this house fall into such bad repair that it is subsiding ! Many complaints have been made about this house but the Orbit guys keep fobbing my Daughter and her husband off saying it is ok to live in ! Well ,
We took some pictures today of the bottom of the house from different angles, The pictures show that there is a lot of void space that seams to be under the house, There is only about 7 or so inches of concrete under the house and a big gap all along the front wall and also the side of the house, We were told that the house was condemned in 2004 but was underpinned to correct the problem, That was before my Daughter and her family moved in ! The thing is, If you underpin a house, Surly there must be more than about 7 inches of cement to correct it, I would have thought that 15 feet of concrete would be more like it! No way was this house underpinned properly or there would not be gaps that you can put your hand in under the house ! See pics Bellow
This is bad, The house should be still condemned ,
Orbit did send some men out to do work on pointing and kitchen work tops and to fill in the gap at the back of the house, But the pointing is not good enough as it is shifting with the bricks as they move and the kitchen work tops are flapping up and down as the kitchen needs replacing but Orbit are to tight to supply a new one! I am appalled at the state of this house and the privtely owned house next door which is also subsiding and the house next to that are all in disgusting condition and should be demolished as far as I am concerned, I am going to give Orbit one chance to move my daughter and her family to a decent property , If they Don't Then I will take it further mark my word !
You can read more articles of interest on this blog
for my music blog go to This is paul burns music
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