Hi, I am going to talk to you about a TV program on TLC that keeps appearing on my TV on a Saturday, It is called Toddlers and Tiaras , It features Children mostly girls some of them as young as 3 years old being made to show off in a pageant , Now I am not a kill joy, I am just concerned that these children are not being allowed to have a proper childhood,

They are Blinged up to the nines in fake tan and make up , Now I am from the old school type family that think children should be let to grow up in their own time, I think it is wrong to put them through this kind of competition at such young ages, Come on parents, Let your kids have a childhood ! Or am I missing the point ? And just this evening, I saw a TV program about w folk on benefits in England spending their benefits on pageants, I think it is out of order and it makes it bad for people who are struggling to live on such benefits , Why on Earth did they bring this to our country, Let our kids be kids !