You know, There is nothing like having lovely pets in your home , My cat makes it homely, But my dogs are a bundle of joy, They give us unconditional love that is unequalled by humans, When ever we go out, The dogs always give us a greeting when we come home that is so true and pure and wonderful !
My dogs are a white Staff with a few brindle spots and a cross Sfaff/Rottwieller with Full Brindle coat, They are both so lovable creatures without one bad bone in their bodies, How sweet they are!

What upsets me, Is when Idiotic people say that dogs are dangerous ! It is not the dogs that are dangerous ! It is the owners that make them that way ! I know that my dogs would not hurt a fly, So don't believe people who insist that they are dangerous !

The white female staff above was neutered when she was younger , But The male dog has just fathered 8 beautiful puppy's just like him, The mother is belonging to our daughter, I made the mistake of falling asleep when the dogs were out in her garden and he got at her, But what lovely puppy's they are as some are shown bellow !
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