Saturday, 14 April 2012

A thank you to the great musicians

Hi, I am overwhelmed with the amount of good kind  musicians that are out there, Without you the music industry would not exist, As you know (if you are a follower of this blog) I often review good Bands and musicians + singers, I deal with mostly Rock music,But from time to time I may  review pop or country rock etc So please don't be too surprised if I may blog about something other than Rock Music '  I am always interested in good music bands etc and I am currently Interested in Good Girl Rock Bands, So no matter what you are doing please let me know the info and I will review your talent, With kindest regards Paul x PS once again thank you x

Friday, 13 April 2012

Free country my arse

You know, We all have problems in our lives, But what ever happened to a free country ' Now the government want to monitor our computer web use and our mobile phone texts, Whats it to be next? will they be watching everything that we do,say, or even think ? So much for the free country we live in, It's a wonder they don't tax the air that we breath' Woops' don't give them ideas ,they might just do it '