Monday, 30 January 2012

Hi, I went and taxed my car again today, 6 months tax just cost me £118, Whoo! That is a bit steep,I know that I drive a 4x4 but that is ridiculous and what with the price of petrol now, I can not afford to run it anymore,So my beautiful V6 ,3Litre Pajero has got to go, Shame because I love driving that car! I wouldn't mind ,But the tax money don't even repair the road anymore, The money just lines the pockets of our greedy government! I didn't vote them in so Shame on the ones who did!

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Hi, I am bloging again, I am sitting here feeling content with my dogs & cat etc and I know that How lucky we are , The truth is , We all take it all for granted! When you think about those poor folk in poor country's who have not even got any clean water to drink, or any food to eat,Don't it make you feel guilty ?, So next time you get fed up with life, Spare a thought for those poor folk!

What a load of twaddle !

Now that things are back to normal after the BB saga, Just as we thought it was safe to watch telly again, Low and behold, T,O,W,I,E is back on the box yet again, Come on TV people ,there are to many reality shows on TV,So why put on more crap like this, Think I might stop watching TV altogether, I feel that I have better things to do! Still, there is always JK....NOT!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Dogs etc.

Yet again on Lorraine some twats are moaning about Staff dogs, & saying that they are dangerous, What a load of old crap they do come out with! I know personally that staffs are sweet loving dogs when brought up properly, It is only some minority stupid owners who are not dog lovers , But get them to make money by breeding them for fighting reasons, Those people should be put so far back in jail and forgotten about! They are just mindless thugs! You will find plenty of responsible owners that get their dogs spaded and love the animals to bits,Just as Me and my wife do, Our dogs are fabulous pets and they would not hurt a fly, So come on you people who think that staffs are bad, Get A Life! Give these dogs a chance before you condemn them !

Monday, 23 January 2012

Are Staff dogs dangerous ?

Hi, I am bloody furious about what those stupid twats said on Lorraine this morning about Staff dogs being dangerous, The only reason a dog of any kind is vicious is because the owners make them like it ! I have two beautiful dogs , One a white 3 year old staff and the other is a 14 month old staff / Rottweiler cross, They are so sweet and gentle the way we have brought them up, Our grand children all play with them , They would not hurt a fly, So DON'T BLAME THE DOGS!     See pics of my dogs on this site , Thank you.

Pubs to Mc Donalds ?

Hi, I am so fed up with pubs closing down, Example is the Broomwood pub in St Paul's cray Orpinton, Kent, is to be made a bloody Mc Donald's, Now come on , Don't we have enough unhealthy eating places ( they should close !) to say the least! Our pubs are our heritage so come on government, BRING BACK OUR PUBS!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Some interesting pics

As I sit here I wonder at the creation of all in this world' The birds, the trees, the animals,and wild life are but a few wonders to think about! But do we really appreciate what we have ?, The Truth is we all take it for granted and that is wrong! I am not preaching, But next time you make yourself a cup of coffee or a sandwich, Just spare a moment to think where it came from and I don't mean Tesco's, A lot of work went in to making your coffee and sandwich,
And without God none of it would be possible !

Thursday, 19 January 2012

They don;t make cars like this anymore !

Love each other more !

If we  could just love one and other more things would be much nicer'  Is it too much to ask folk to knock on their neighbours door and just make sure they are OK,It doesn't cost anything to be nice,We should treat people how we would like to be treated ourselves, then perhaps the world would be a better place !  Then there is the government telling us that there is so many people out of work due to our last labour government, they don't seem to remember that when Margret Thatcher was prime minister there was 3 million out of work ! So what the hell are they on about!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Social networks etc

Why is it that most people on Facebook are only happy when they are swearing their heads off, On Twitter' It is only occasional that swearing occurs' And on Google +   I have not yet heard or seen anyone swear,  I think I know which one I like the best!  See you on Twitter!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Hi I am back again!  Are you in a relationship that you have put up with for a long time and there are too many things stopping you from leaving! It seams that most people who have this problem just stick it out for the reason , They are to scared to leave as of no where to go, or are just simply too old or frail to do so even if that other person puts them through hell! Perhaps the persons who do this to their partners out to think themselves lucky that they are in a relationship at all , the way they treat people they would not like to be treated like that themselves, So come on people , Treat each other better or you may end up on your own ! 

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Trust in god !

Hi, As a Christian I feel sometimes that I do not live up to Gods way of life! Sometimes We all do things that we should not have, Perhaps we should think more about our faith than cars, computer games, social networks,drugs & drink, And then we should be able to turn our lives around to be better Christian people! After all this is a Christian country! Don't let anyone change that! xxx

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Benifits etc

You know' There are so many benefits that folk are on, but the next one is great' How about thickness benefit, or green smokers allowance, Might as well have these benefits as there are so many people taking the piss out of our system' It makes me sick! Instead of letting all these scroungers from all country's and alcahollics' Drug addicts etc have benefits, Put them in the army and send them to war instead of our brave men who do not deserve to die on the front line! And if people wish to enter this country to live, then make them serve 5 years in the armed forces before they are given the right to stay here! but our government don't have the guts to do anything like that do they?

Friday, 13 January 2012

So whats wrong with Madonna's dress ?

Hi its me again, Today I ask what is wrong with the critics of the red carpet?, Madonna looked rather nice with her sexy black dress and red gloves! Why do they have to pick on people like her just because she is getting on a bit! Leave Madonna alone and give someone else a grilling!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

When we give !

You know what !  I find that I get more satisfaction when I give something to someone than actually receiving something from someone, I love to see their face when they realise that it is a free gift ! Mind you If someone takes the mick and goes out of their way to get as much as they can out of me, Then I get really upset with them ! So be nice and be generous and you will reap the benefits in the end !  Have a nice day xxx

Nice to be nice !

Its so nice when you meet nice people,Weather you are a Christian, An atheist, A Catholic , Muslim or Jew, In all walks of life there are really nice people, So why is there so much racism in this world' We all come in to this world the same way and we all leave this world the same way, It is about time we learnt how to live in peace and harmony with each other! So come on folks lets make it happen in 2012 ' This is the year!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Our pets

As you may know there are millions of pet owners that have at least one pet, A cat, A dog or something more ambitious, Some folk even have several animals and can cope very well. I would like to thank all the good pet owners who love their pets as much as we love ours, So next time you think of getting a pet, Remember they are for life and they need love just as much as we do !

Monday, 9 January 2012

She frightened my dogs '

While visiting our daughter' on leaving her flat I went to the loft taking our dogs with us, While waiting for the lift, this stupid  African or Jamaican ? woman came out of her flat pushing a pushchair with a child in it, She started to shout & scream at our dogs' I told her that the dogs would not hurt her' But she just kept on making a right racket' Now my dogs were so frightened that one of them peed themself'  Why are so many of these people afraid of dogs that did not even bark at them and would not hurt a fly, Its pathetic !